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Guzmania in a clay pot


Guzmania is one of the most impressive indoor plants that decorates homes and business premisses with its exotic color. It is considered one of the most important indoor plants that have the ability to filter and clean the atmosphere from toxic substances and radiation. Originally from South America, guzmany is a tropical plant. Also its in the same botanical family with pineapple, and is characterized by oblong leaves which they form a stem in the form of a rosette in bright red. Some people think that it is the flower of the plant, however it is a bracts (modified) leaves. Guzmania in its natural environment is epiphytic and grows on tree trunks and produces small yellow flowers. There are several species and varieties of guzmany that bear in addition to red, yellow and orange bracts.

What is the proper mounting position for the Guzmania?

Guzmania needs a warm and humid environment to grow and thrive. We choose bright or semi-shady places, away from direct sunlight, which ensure temperatures of 20-25 ° C and in any case above 18 ° C during winter.

What kind of soil does Guzmania need to thrive?

For its planting we use fluffy and fertile general purpose soil for indoor plants that ensures good drainage.

What watering and fertilizing needs does the Guzmania have?

Guzmania needs watering every 4-5 days during spring and summer, as it is its growing season. In winter we significantly reduce the water and water it every 10 days. When watering, it is important to pour the water from above in such a way that it falls in the center of the rosette with the bracts. If we do not water it properly, the guzmania will show dryness at the edges of the foliage and yellowing of the leaf. From early spring to mid-summer, Guzmania is most in need of nutrients and we use a general purpose liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks to enhance its growth.

A Guzmania care tip

As soon as the long stem with the bracts begins to die, new plants grow at the base of our pot. Then we remove the stem so that our new plants get strength. Once they are well rooted, we carefully remove them from the mother plant and transplant them into another pot, thus multiplying the guzmany.

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