A unique bouquet in pink and purple shades. Nina Simone is a special bouquet consisting of pink roses, alstroemerias, lisianthus, and gerberas, beautifully and intricately decorated with eucalyptus. Nina Simone is a beautiful bouquet of the unique choices recommended by Nadia’s flower shop. A fantastic choice, ideal to express any kind of wish to your professional and personal environment, and your feelings for your loved ones, with the beauty offered by the color combination of this flower arrangement in a bouquet of pink and purple shades.
The bouquet is carefully made by us. We guarantee excellent quality of our products as well as consistency in delivery.
The availability of some flowers depends on the season and may be replaced with flowers of the same or higher value upon request.
All our products are always fresh and selected from the best varieties of flowers on the market.
Find your choice to offer on any occasion or beautify your home or office. At Nadia’s flower shop you will find a variety of flowers, indoor and outdoor plants, and Flowers Arrangements for every taste.