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Indoor plant in a clay pot


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Aechmea, is one of the most impressive indoor plants, with a special exotic appearance, placed in a clay pot. It is a plant that has the ability to filter and clean the air from harmful substances. This property makes it ideal for decorating indoor workplaces, but also for your personal space.

It originates from Brazil and in its natural tropical environment grows as an epiphysis on tree trunks. The most characteristic element of the aechmea is the bracts that come out of the center of the plant, have a pink color and give the impression of a majestic flower. These pink leaves are kept on the plant for several months. The real aechmea flower grows between the bracts, is quite small and has a blue color.

What is the proper mounting position for aechmea?

To enjoy a lively and healthy aechmea in the house, we place it in a very bright place so that it is not hit by the direct rays of the sun. Intense sunshine can cause extensive burns on the leaves of the aechmea and weaken the plant. In areas of southern Greece, the aechmea can be developed outdoors, in a semi-shady location on the west balcony of our house, but it will be good, during the winter months, to be transported indoors, as it is not resistant to frost. The root system of the tip is superficial and does not need a deep pot.

What soil does the azalea need to thrive?

Aechmea has a superficial root system and does not need a deep pot. For its planting we use fluffy and fertile general purpose soil for indoor plants that ensures good drainage.

What are the watering and fertilizing needs of the aechmea?

Aechmea has low water requirements and needs light watering. It is ideal to water it once a week during the spring and summer period and about every 4-5 days during the warm summer period. During the winter period it needs much thinner watering about every 10 days. The fertilization of the aechmea should be quite limited due to the slow growth of the plant. Specifically, we add liquid fertilizer, once in early spring and repeat in early summer and early autumn after the intense heat.

A tip for aechmea care

If you notice brown edges on its leaves, it is a sign of dehydration, check the condition of the soil and water immediately. Excessive watering can also damage the plant. Keep the soil moist but not wet (flooded).

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