Fuchsia Orchid

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Falainopsis orchid in a clay pot


Orchid is a very charming ornamental plant with a unique exotic beauty we find mainly as indoor plants in homes, offices, and business premises, it is available in a clay pot.

Orchids stand out for their large impressive flowers which remain in bloom for a long time featuring bright colors that impress every recipient.

Which is the appropriate placement for orchid?

We prefer a bright place in the house avoiding contact with direct sunlight. Especially during summer months avoid sun exposure as it causes burns on the leaves and drying of the flowers. We take care to place orchids away from radiators, cold and hot currents as well as windows. The ideal temperatures for the orchid to thrive indoors are between 18-27 ° C.

What soil does orchid need to thrive?

As orchid does not grow in soil, we use mixtures of materials for their planting which allow the support of the plant, while ensuring proper moisture retention and good ventilation for the roots. There are special packages with topsoil for orchids that we can use in nurseries and agricultural stores which contain materials such as pine bark and the husks of the outer coconut shell.

What does the orchid need watering and fertilizing?

Many people water orchids with a small watering can or hold them under the tap for a few seconds to absorb water. The most effective and correct way of watering is to place the pot with the orchid in a bowl with some lukewarm water. Remove the pot from the planter and place the orchid together with the pot in the basin for a few minutes until all the substrate of the plant absorbs water. Then remove the pot with the orchid and let it drain well before placing it back in the planter.

Watering the orchid should be done at regular intervals, depending on the season and the prevailing temperatures. In the spring and fall, we water the orchid about once a week, every 5 days in the warm summer, and every 10 days in the winter. Before watering the orchid, check if the substrate and roots are dry. If we find that they have moisture, we do not water. If the roots of our orchid have a healthy green color, it means that we are watering properly. If they are dark in color, it means they have water and we need to be careful not to overwater. If the roots begin to lose their color and turn gray, they need more water.

In addition, it is important to spray the orchid foliage with water every morning, especially in summer when temperatures are high. It is also good to spray the foliage in winter because the atmosphere in the house can be quite dry due to the heating systems. The orchid, being a tropical plant, requires relatively high humidity to grow abundantly and bloom well.

The orchid has low nutrient requirements and does not need excessive amounts of fertilizer. During the orchid’s growing season, we fertilize every 2 weeks with a balanced fertilizer specifically for orchids. During the orchid’s blooming period, fertilize once a month. Avoid lubrication during the winter or apply it at very sparse intervals. It should be noted that orchids are sensitive to fertilizers with high nitrogen content, so it is good to prefer special fertilizers for orchids.

For fertilizing, orchids prefer liquid fertilizers that are soluble in water. Fertilization is best done by diluting the liquid fertilizer in the basin where you put the orchid when you water it. There are also special fertilizers for spraying the leaves and surface roots of the orchid, which we can use.

One last tip for the care of orchids

Orchids can be attacked by various insects that cause problems with leaves, buds, and flowers. The most common insects that attack orchids are the granules that form cotton on the leaves, thrips that appear as small flies, and nightshade, a small spider that attacks the foliage. To treat insects, dissolve 1 tablespoon of grated green soap in 1 liter of water and spray it on the top and bottom of the orchid leaves every 2 weeks as a precaution.

If the humidity is too high and poor ventilation in the environment, the orchid may have black spots on the leaves or rot on the root due to fungal diseases. To treat these diseases ecologically, we spray the foliage and roots of the orchid with a liquid copper preparation. Liquid copper is an organic preparation available in agricultural stores.

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