Small Orange Tree

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Outdoor plant in a clay pot


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The orange tree is an evergreen plant, it reaches a height of 8 meters and rarely exceeds them. With care and good care, we will be able to gradually harvest some oranges for fruit or juice.

Its trunk is smooth and straight, its roots are rich, tufted but do not reach great depth. The flowers are white, quite large and fragrant, they come out in spring individually from the shoots. The orange tree blooms once a year and its flowering lasts 5-7 weeks.

The fruit of the orange tree is the orange or citrus. It prefers sandy soils and can not withstand very low temperatures, up to 4 degrees below zero. The early varieties ripen their fruits from October while the late ones in the summer months.

What is the proper placement for the orange tree?

The pot with the orange tree is placed in a sunny position on the balcony, protected from winds. Using a special net to protect from frost, wind and sun, during the hot summer and winter, helps the best growth and fruiting of our orange tree. If we place the pot with the orange tree indoors, we should find a bright spot away from the fireplace and radiator.

What kind of soil does orange tree needs to thrive?

We choose general purpose plant soil or special for fruit trees, reinforced with nutrients and we always use a clay pot.

What is the need of orange tree for watering and fertilizing?

The orange tree in a pot needs relatively frequent watering, three times a week in summer and twice a week in spring and autumn. On hot summer days, in the evening, we can wet the foliage of the orange tree to cool it. In terms of fertilization, we add complete organic fertilizer, rich in magnesium for good growth and fruiting, while the additional fertilization with iron will help to green the foliage.

One last tip for caring for orange trees

We spray the tender vegetation of the orange tree with an ecological preparation of summer pulp, every month from spring to autumn to prevent the leafhopper insect as a precaution.

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